Our Visit With Geoffrey

Our guest from last week, Geoffrey Doig-Marx, has to be one of my favorite guests thus far. Both him and Jenny West have really fed my knowledge of painting and the art world. I really loved his transition from dance to painting, especially because he is so good at it. It is rare that someone can make a transition into something that is so different and is successful t it. One of the most interesting things Geoffrey said was that he really doesn’t sell his art, but if people ask for it he will give it to them for free or at a low cost because other people will see it. I found this especially interesting because it reminds me of celebrities who don’t pay stylists, hairdressers, make-up artists, etc., and tell them instead their payment is exposure. In a way, his method makes sense because in the long run, he may end up with more customers, but at the same time, payment is important to afford necessities. What I also found interesting about his paintings is that he spends days at a time painting. When I paint, I like to do it in one sitting, and when I’m in the zone, I don’t care about how long it takes. The day by day method is smart though because you can see your art with a fresh pair of eyes the next day, and change/correct things if need be. It’s like writing a draft and re-reading it so you can correct things. Overall, I enjoyed Geoffrey’s visit, and I thoroughly enjoyed his art.

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