Amanda Hick Blog

After meeting Amanda Hick, I can confidently say that she is my favorite artist. I specifically enjoyed the passion she had for the opera. I feel inspired by this passion and wish that everyone can have that same passion in the field they want to go into. Her love for opera was apparent not only when she spoke about the history but also when she played videos of various genres of opera. I was able to learn about different opera singers and the history of opera itself. I also enjoyed the fact that Amanda showed us videos from her performance. I found this experience extremely valuable because she walked us through her performances. I liked that she pointed out the differences in the dynamic of her vocals and how these differences tell the story she is singing about. In addition to this, I found it interesting that she planned her own opera performance. Something that stood out to me from this part of her presentation was that she said that there was a translation present for the audience and that at some points she would sing in English so that the audience was not completely lost. I think this is a fantastic idea and it makes the experience more enjoyable for the viewers. Opera is not a genre of music that I would turn on and listen to regularly. However, after listening to Amanda’s lesson on the history of opera and her personal experience, I developed a new appreciation for opera. I had been to an opera when I was younger, however, I feel like I was not able to enjoy it as much as if I went after Amanda’s lesson. I wish we can go see an opera in person after this lesson. I am glad that we were given this opportunity to meet Amanda. Her personality and passion for opera are the reason why she is my favorite artist thus far.

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