Pandemic/2020 Playlist

This is my pandemic/2020 playlist. It’s meant to capture more of my thoughts and feelings this past year rather than capture the entire world situation. The songs are divided into albums of sorts, each with a different title.

“Mild Foreshadowing”:
The songs in this period describe the middle of my Senior year in high school when I was already feeling burnt out, depressed, and bleak. While I heard the virus was spreading in China, I didn’t have much concern for it at the time and was more worried about my future after high school. The songs here capture themes of mental isolation and alienation.

“The Calm”:
The songs here represent the month of March, right before school started to close. I was beginning to feel better about my self and thought the virus would merely give us a week, maybe even a month off at most. Meanwhile, I was beginning to enjoy school again. The songs here capture optimism with some sadness and the joy I felt having an extended vacation from school.


“Thrown for a Loop”:
These songs represent me coming to grips with the severity of Covid and the unrest in the country as a whole. Suddenly, I wasn’t just exempt from school, but I couldn’t see my friends, people I knew could be sick and riots were happening constantly. With my Advanced Placement Exams finished, I quickly became bored and began to feel depressed in isolation. The songs here have themes of sorrow and fear.

“New Beginnings”:
Finally, these songs represent me realizing I still had to live life despite what was going on around me. I tried to use my isolation as a tool for self-discovery and improvement rather than confinement. I discovered more about myself and gradually refined my outlook on life, especially once I started college and had to be productive. These songs have themes of empowerment and valiance.

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