Meeting the Artists, Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto

Meeting Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto was very enjoyable. The energy and vibes they radiated were awesome. Stephen gave me that I’m-chill-but-can-be-serious-when-I need-to-be vibe, and Michael radiated I’m-a-rock-star-bada** vibes. Michael was so honest about everything, and he was very funny. I feel like they’re the perfect pair of best friends, because they seem like polar opposites. The argument they had about art was very entertaining, and their points about it were interesting. I agree with Michael’s opinion, because you can create art and not have other people see it for it be art. You can make music on your own, paint something, etc., and that’s still art. I also found it really cool how they started D3C. In this world, more specifically this country, a lot of things are driven by money. People work nonstop to have more money, big corporations find loopholes to avoid paying taxes, etc. However, the purpose of D3C is to share the theatre experience for free. The audience of a D3C show can experience something new and be exposed to the theatre world without spending a fortune on tickets.  I really like this purpose, because theatre is something everyone should be exposed to. Whether someone likes it or not is all up to them, but watching a play, musical, etc. in person is something wonderful. 

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