Gracia and LoPorto

I thought both our visitors this past week, Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto, were very entertaining and interesting. Stephen talked about the practicality of having a full time job in addition to doing art so that your art acts as an extension of yourself rather than a financial gateway. Michael agreed with this saying that he did not feel pressed by the needs to make ends meet and that the at was still something he could enjoy rather than feel an obligation too. I rather enjoyed the debate that Stephen, Michael, and Lisa had about art at the end of the discussion. A lot of great points were made, but I found myself agreeing more with Michael in his argument that anything you create, whether it is for yourself or for the world to see, is indeed art. Not all art is about communication. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but art is in the eye if the creator. So long as you enjoy what you make then it is art. I really enjoyed having a civil debate on this topic as this is a question that come up again and again in our class, and I would love to have more than one speaker again if it means we will be able to hear other artists share their opinion on what art is.

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