Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto

I really enjoyed hearing from Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto this past week. Learning about their work and experience in theatre was a great experience. First of all, I loved reading through the scripts and also watching them come to life on camera. It was interesting to hear how working a full-time job at the same time as pursuing art actually provides a sense of freedom. Normally I would assume that it holds an artist back if they have a primary job during the day because they would have time taken away from their art. However, in Stephan and Michael’s case, the opposite is true. The fact that a stable income comes aside from their art, they are able to provide free theatre to the people of New York, which is really awesome.  There is a great balance that comes from working a 9 to 5 while also devoting time to art. I also really enjoyed the mini-debate that arose at the end of the visit. The ultimate question was obviously asked and it was entertaining to see the question being debated. I have to say that I am still on the fence about what makes art “Art,” but I do lean towards Michael’s perspective.

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