Meeting Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto

These two were some guests I was more excited to meet. I’m not a huge theatre guy, but certainly enjoy art that involves person-to-person interaction more than say painting. I also think I enjoyed it more because there were two guest speakers and they were able to have some running dialogue of their own instead of just speaking to us. It gave a bit of differing perspectives though they were mostly the same, which was something that set them apart from past guests.  It was also interesting to get the perspective of people who didn’t do it to make a living, but just passion without having monetary reliance. It was also nice that they were so open about the past when they didn’t really have success in it and were just sort of a group of friends trying to make something of their ideas. Their belief that art is for everyone and not just for people who can pay for it is really admirable. In the end, they weren’t my favorite guests, but they were definitely pretty high up there with my favorites.

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