Jaedon’s Visit

I thought that Jaedon’s visit was another really good one. As usual, I felt that he was clearly super passionate about what he was discussing. I could tell that he really loved what he did, and his passion really came through in his presentation, which made it much more enjoyable to listen to. I also really liked how he would tell stories of his experiences, like what it was like being in his musical classes, or the interactions he had with his professors. I’ve come to think that whenever we do these types of presentations, I feel like the best aspects are when the speakers talk about their personal experiences and stories, as opposed to just talking about the material or their opinions on the subject matter. While the latter can still be extremely interesting and worthwhile, I feel like these discussions don’t engage me as much as the speaker just elaborating on their personal experiences. I personally felt like Jaedon brought a really good balance of these two aspects of the different guest speakers we have had. He discussed his opinions and views on the subject matter we were discussing, however it was very well interwoven with stories and experiences he has had as an artist, both during his time in schooling, and his actual time creating music. I especially liked when he talked about the interactions he had with his professors and how they all impacted him. I feel like that is something we don’t get too much of, and I thought it really added to his presentation. Overall, I feel like Jaedon was another really great guest speaker who added a lot to the class.

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