Meeting the Musician, Jaedon Alvira

Meeting Jaedon Alvira was very enjoyable. He was so kind and chill throughout the whole meeting. I really like the music he makes. I like how he combined “older” music with modern music. He used trap beats and instruments in his work. Today, a lot of the music produced consists of only trap beats or electronically produced music, so combining instruments and electronic music together is refreshing. Also, Jaedon said a lot of great things about performing and music. He said that he likes crowds that radiate positive energy and react well to his music. I totally understand that feeling. A good crowd truly elevates the quality of the performance. It makes the artist and audience connect and encourages the artist to try their hardest. Jaedon also gave really sweet advice about pursuing your dreams. You have to pursue something you’re passionate about, or you’re going to live life miserably. I completely agree with this belief, because pursuing the career you want will lead to a happy, good life. I find it really reassuring that he is another individual who is pursuing his dream and living a good, stable life.

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