Jaedon Alvira

It was awesome to hear from Jaedon last week. I love hearing from the various artists who come in to talk to us, and this guest was no different. It’s really cool that Jadeon found his passion at such a young age. He discovered his love for music growing up on R&B and was greatly inspired by Kenny G. Jaedon began playing the saxophone in elementary school, but his parents were not the most supportive. His mom initially freaked out when he first brought a saxophone home but made a deal with him if he got accepted into LaGuardia. It’s honestly really cool to hear about someone’s success story coming out of LaGuardia. I mostly only learned about dancers and heard of the famous actors that went to the school, like Jennifer Aniston. So it brings a warm feeling to my heart to learn about musicians and other artists, like Jaedon, that are still pursuing what they love after graduating from the performing arts high school. Jaedon had some positive teachers and one that was negative, which is funny to hear since I had a similar experience with the dance teachers at LaGuardia. He also had a difficult time when he first started at Purchase and almost quit freshman year, but later on, it gave him the strength he needed as a musician. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Jaedon’s story and found him to be an awesome guest.

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