Jazzy Jaedon

Jazz isn’t always the first genre of music I think of when someone says ‘music.’ I always thought it was cool, but I never saw myself listening to it. But as usual our guest artist, Jaedon Alvira today, changed my mind. But before I talk about that, I want to acknowledge his energy. You know an artist loves what they do when they can hop on Zoom, probably as tired of doing things online as we are, to speak to a bunch of college students, AND be able to keep their energy and love for what they do. We have seen it with every other guest artist and now Jaedon, and it’s a bit of what keeps me going online. Okay, now what did I like about Jaedon’s time? Honestly, it was some of the wise words and advice he said and what he learned from staying true to jazz. Capital ‘J’ Jazz, I would say. And honestly, hearing all that made me want to listen to his stuff again and try and see it from this new perspective: knowing that he went against what others felt was right for him and going after what he felt was right for him. And the second time I actually liked it more because I ‘saw his success’ if that makes sense. But I think in general, I enjoy music more now (and other forms of art of course) because I know what someone probably went through to achieve their dream. Pretty inspiring.

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