Thoughts On the Virtual Tours

Personally, I’m not one to go crazy when I when I see art, and art museums never really caught my interest. But going through multiple virtual tours, I have a greater appreciation for art and more respect for artists. The Frick. The Frick didn’t have a 360 tour but a list of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and more. A wide range of art too, from peaceful scenery, to portraits, to chairs. Lots, and lots of chairs. Looking through it all I found many pieces where I actually felt something: joy, sadness, uncomfortable. And many where I tried to extract the meaning. 5 out of 10 pieces of my gallery are from The Frick. Overall, the virtual ‘tour’ of The Frick was good. I would like to go in person. The Whitney. The Whitney is an interesting museum because it’s built like a mansion, and a lot of the art is part of the ceiling. There were even dining rooms. Even though The Whitney is huge, it was more difficult to find art that really resonated with me, maybe becauseĀ it was so big. I think museums like The Whitney don’t do too well online because people prefer actually walking around. The Louvre Petite Galerie. I’m pretty sure this museum is in France. Going through this one was kind of a hassle. The controls were pretty bad. On top of that I didn’t really find much that stuck out to me… except for one but it was just weird. So overall, our ‘virtual tour hopping’ project was actually pretty fun. I didn’t think I would like it but I think my gallery shows that I had a decent time.

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