Gina Simone Guest Blog

        Today’s guest artist, actress and singer Gina Simone, was one of the final guests of the semester. Hearing her story and experiences really allowed me to understand more about the world of art and musical theater. First, I enjoyed how Gina handled the monetary discussion. She described her work as a talent, in which she should be rewarded for due to all of the energy and passion that she puts in. I feel that many artists should also have this mindset, as it serves as motivation to do more than they usually would. Another point that I liked from Gina’s visit was when she explained her process for becoming a character. She stated that once she made a connection between herself and the role, true purpose and skill was found. I believe this is important because artists should have personal connections with their work, since it has a larger impact on the viewer. Additionally, Gina described how COVID-19 and current social events have affected her performances. It displayed how so many creators have had to persevere through these times and let current events trickle into their work to make them more relatable. She had to take on many new jobs as well while still practicing her artistic skills, in order to get through such a hard and trying time. As a whole, Gina Simone’s ideas and explanations served as an effective, final guest meeting. Much of what she said resonated with what we have learned and experienced, especially now in today’s society, so I enjoyed hearing her experiences.

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