Virtual Museum Tour Reflection

With Coronavirus greatly impacting society and the daily lives of many, going virtual has been the solution to various newly risen problems. Daily attractions such as museums have shifted to virtual platforms as this was the best solution to keep the general public safe while keeping the business afloat. With this transition, I visited the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum where I personally did not enjoy the experience of visiting a museum virtually. Visiting a museum is a fun experience since the atmosphere of the facility allows a person to enjoy their time while educating themselves. In contrast, while viewing the works of art through the computer in the comfort of my own home, I did not feel as encouraged or intrigued to learn about the works and their meanings. Navigating the museum virtually was unique but it did have its limitations due to the technology. Additionally, I felt that the meaning of the art was altered when being virtually observed since the environment was not the same and the overall presentation of the art was different. Being in my household prevented me from getting the full experience because it hindered my ability to focus and fully give my attention to the task due to nearby distractions. Overall, I personally did not enjoy the virtual museum tours as much as I thought I would but they are a sufficient substitute for the time being.

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