Guest Speaker: Gina Simone

Having Gina Simone Pemberton as our final guest was a great experience. Every guest that we have had differed from each other and was unique in their own way, but one common aspect was that they all have a passion for art. This passion was evident in Ms. Pemberton and I was surprised to hear her talk about the influence that one of her teachers had on her. It is common to have people help each other pursue their dreams with genuine intention but it is usually overlooked by many. When artists gain fame and recognition, many forget about those that helped them get to where they are, and hearing Ms. Pemberton mention her teacher was pleasing. Moreover, Ms. Pemberton mentioned that making money was not her goal and in a time where many people are motivated by greed and power, I was surprised a little. Everyone says that they are not doing it for the money but hearing Ms. Pemberton say this I felt she genuinely meant it. Additionally, she mentioned the impacts that Covid-19 had on the industry which was an interesting topic. This pandemic has allowed some artists to prosper and others to suffer and this is interesting. She mentioned that she needed to take other jobs to prosper in these hard times but never forgot her passion for art and implemented it when possible. This showed her passion for art and was surprising to hear since many other artists took other jobs and did not blend them with art. Gina Simone was a great way to end off the semester since she provided valuable insight into the art industry and was very transparent.

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