Virtual Tour of ‘The Frick’

I visited ‘The Frick’ museum and it reminded me of an old aristocratic mansion. The paintings adorned on the walls with gold colored frames and marble added to the luxurious feeling of the collections. I found it really interesting how the use of deep color heightened the mood of a room. Using the software of a virtual tour was underwhelming to say the least: I can see a painting, but I can’t walk up to it seamlessly. In general, however, I did enjoy the experience. I really liked the West Gallery because it mimicked the Renaissance style and color palette.  I noticed that generally all of the paintings looked similar (and this is why I couldn’t pick a favorite painting). It was either a man or a woman on a black or muted background.

The three rooms that stood out to me the most were the Fragonard Room, the East Gallery, and the West Gallery. The Fragonard Room had a light, playful theme where all of the pictures on the walls had people in those huge powdered wigs playing tag or having tea parties. The East Gallery showcased a rose/sunset color scheme that included boats and glimpses of the working class. Finally, the West Gallery had a dark green color theme with portraits of serious looking people against pitch black backgrounds. In those portraits, the dark background contrasted the person in the portrait, making the it look even more dramatic.  One benefit I saw with this virtual experience was being able to jump from room to room and compare the way the collections were displayed. When I go to museums in person, I often forget that paintings in one collection are curated to compliment each other.  I get lost in the small details of one painting and rarely look at the bigger picture.

4/5 stars because I got to look at art history in my pajamas

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