Victoria Gniazdowski’s Virtual Museum Experience

Due to the pandemic we are currently living in, museums have temporarily closed, which had a detrimental effect on art lovers. However, many museums have allowed people to view artwork virtually. I visited the MoMA and the Whitney Museum. Although many people may not be fond of this idea, it is the only option for the current moment, as we need to keep ourselves and our families safe. I enjoyed the virtual museum tour, however, if, given the option, I would choose to visit a museum in person instead. One thing that I particularly enjoyed about this virtual museum experience is that you are not limited to the number of museums you can visit in a day. I would not normally be able to visit both the MoMA and Whitney if museums were in person. This is because I enjoy the experience that comes along with going to a museum and looking at the art there. In the past, I would go to the museum with my friends. We would all walk around the floors of the museum at our pace so we can truly appreciate each piece of artwork for what it is. Also, seeing the paintings and pieces of artwork in person is a nicer experience, for me at least, because you get to see the original artwork for your own eyes, rather than having to see it through the screen. In-person, you can look at the paint strokes and truly understand the process of creating the piece of art. Although visiting a museum online reduces travel time to practically none and you have more independence when you are viewing art online, I cannot wait to go to museums once they open back up again. I prefer actually going to a museum, rather than looking at art galleries through my laptop.

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