Eric Huang, Tour of the Guggenheim

I chose to visit the Guggenheim since my art appreciation teacher during freshman year constantly referenced it during class. And I’ve always been captivated by the architecture of the building. I decided to do a combination of both Google’s 360 degree tour, and viewing individual exhibits in slideshow format. 

To be honest, I was not a big fan of the virtual 360 degree tour. It was clunky to use, especially trying to navigate the massive spiral staircase of the Guggenheim. It took the same amount of time to virtually navigate the museum as it would in person, but lacked the feeling of immersion that an in-person visit would have had. 

So, I preferred to look through the exhibits that Google Arts & Culture offered. This was a much more enjoyable experience. It was sort of like modern art for people in a hurry, since I was always skeptical of modern art, I’m not usually the type to stand in front of a painting of a white line for 10 minutes, trying to psychoanalyze the artist’s motivations, and deduce some sort of conclusion about international relations from it. 

I ended up having a pretty good time with the project, flipping through some of the artwork with an old friend of mine, in a manner fit for a zoomer with a short attention span and a desire for instant gratification.

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