Savanna Filip, Gallery

My approach to picking artwork for my gallery was to choose pieces that remind me of either personal experiences or memories I’ve had. I myself do not have the knowledge to consider myself an “art expert,” so I chose this approach so that my experience was more enjoyable.

Children in Woods


Frank W.Benson

This painting caught my eye because it shows three little girls in the woods which just made me think of me and my two sisters. The girls in the painting have similar clothing which directly relates to when my sisters and I were young because we were always dressed in matching outfits.

Vegetarian Vegetable from Campbell’s Soup II


Andy Warhol 

This screenprint just screams childhood to me. I specifically remember having a thermos for hot food and soup that looked like a Campbell’s can which I’m pretty sure I still have somewhere.

Appeal to the Great Spirit

1913; cast ca. 1916

Cyrus Edwin Dallin

This sculpture reminds me of one of my favorite movies growing up as a child called “Spirit. It was about the journey of a mustang stallion that encountered man for the first time.  I’ve definitely watched this movie more than one should have.


fall/winter 1965–66

Yves Saint Laurent

I picked this dress because the pattern looks almost exact to the old bedsheets that my family had years ago.  I think they were in an apartment before I was born, but I remember frequently seeing them in a bunch of photo albums.

Surf, Isles of Shoals


Childe Hassam

I chose this painting because it looks really similar to a painting I used to have in my old house where it hung above my bed. I remember looking at it almost every day because oceans are probably one of my favorite parts of nature.



Ignacio Fleta

When I saw this guitar it immediately brought me back to the third grade when I learned how to play the guitar in school. I was absolutely terrible but it was an experience that was pretty unforgettable. 



Léon Spilliaert 

I chose this self-portrait because it resembles my father when he was younger. In almost all of my baby photos, he had the hairstyle of the man that’s in this photo and it honestly looks a little too much like him.

Nasturtiums with the Painting “Dance” I


Henri Matisse

This piece depicts different furniture and a group of people dancing which caught my attention. This image brings me back to when I was a little kid. My sisters and I would spontaneously dance around the house and even put on little shows using furniture as makeshift stages. 



Christian Louboutin

I picked this piece of artwork because I find these shoes Out of the ordinary. Also, these pumps resemble ballet slippers which brings me back to every single day of high school where I had to wear them for dance class.

Tea Service


Josef Hoffmann

This piece of artwork reminds me of a big part of my family.  Having tea was not only having a beverage but also more of an event. Whether it was every Sunday after church, visiting relatives, or after dinner, there was always tea.

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