Visit By Jenny

I was pleasantly surprised by this guest visit. It was our first one,  so I didn’t really know what to expect by it, but I found it to be a pretty interesting aspect of the lecture. Personally I don’t really care for poetry. I never really got too into it, but it was still nice to see someone who was so passionate about the medium come and discuss it. I can respect anyone who is passionate about their work, and Jenny was clearly passionate about the medium of poetry, so even if I’m not too particularly interested in art, I could still follow along and be fascinated and invested by what she was talking about because she was so passionate. I thought that it was a really interesting aspect to the seminar, and I think that this will be a very interesting aspect of lectures going forward. I also liked when she read her poetry, since I thought it was a pretty good poem and I really liked it. If I had one minor nitpick, it would be that the guest discussion didn’t have too much to do with the rest of the seminar, since the rest of it was about oil painting and advertising and the role of art and capitalism. There was a bit of that in the guest discussion, but not much. But that it is little more than a minor nitpick in an aspect of the seminar which I found to be extremely fascinating and enjoyable.

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