My Thoughts on the Guest Speaker, Jenny Pisani

It was very nice to be able to hear from a recent Macaulay alumnus who managed to achieve success in a creative field. With how much is constantly said about it being impossible to make money through the arts or through writing, it was very satisfying to see someone who defied all this and managed to become successful as a poet. I really appreciated and respected the fact that she says her poems come from a place of simply telling her own story. Furthermore, I was very interested by her statements about poems often being sung like chants in Cambodian poetry, along with the idea that art can be found anywhere in the world. One quote that particularly stuck with me is when she said, “A true wordsmith can play with words like paint… and translate an experience to you through sound.” This is a truly eloquent way of expressing the value of poetry in a way I had not previously thought of it. It was inspiring to hear her story of success, simply beginning with a professor pointing out her talent to her. Her statements also taught me about the talent and skill required to truly perform poetry, involving movements, expressions, and tone. Overall, I really enjoyed hearing from Jenny and am glad for the education and inspiration I gained.

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