Guest Speaker: Jenny Pisani

Listening to Jenny Pisani was not only a motivational experience but also an eye opening one as well. Hearing her discuss her path in life, the challenges she faced and the unique experiences that she lived through changed my perspective regarding life tremendously. In today’s society a lot of children are STEM oriented because of the pressure put on by society to become successful in life and have an impact. Jenny Pisani originally wanted to go into engineering and made a career switch to pursue poetry which was surprising and inspiring because of the uncertainty that comes with being a poet in financial and job terms.  Many students feel that working a corporate job will allow them to serve their community and give them a sense of accomplishment. In contrast, listening to Jenny Pisani made me realize that a person does not need to have a corporate job to be satisfied and feel accomplished. She had a large impact on the world through her works and she did this without working a traditional corporate job. This is motivational to me because it revealed that I can take a different route if I so desired and still feel fulfilled with my life and be proud of my accomplishments. Moreover, listening to the chances she took as a poet and hearing some of her work inspired me to re-evaluate my decisions and the path I want to take in life. Her success story is inspiring since it showed that if you believe in yourself, a person can accomplish what they desire and be proud of themselves. Overall, having Jenny come in and share her work as well as her experiences with us was a perspective changing event that I am thankful for.

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