Meeting Guest Poet Jenny Pisani

I’m not quite an artistically minded person, so the thought of meeting a poet wasn’t as exciting to me as it may have been for others. I just don’t have the same fascination with things such as poetry or literature that many people do. Despite this, I was pleasantly surprised by her story. It was likely because she talked less about the art itself and more about her experience with it. Hearing how she got there and what she was able to do through poetry was quite interesting. I was pleasantly surprised again when she read us her poem. The poem wasn’t direct, but I was able to easily understand what everything meant, which I often struggle to do with poetry. I also respected that they were doing it out of passion not even sure if they wanted to sell the work. In the poem, despite me not really understanding the appeal, it was clear they really put their heart into the work. I look forward to meeting the other guests and hope I’ll be pleasantly surprised with them and their work as well.

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