Not a artsy neighborhood

This is a veterans memorial that I found near the train station in Great Kills. You would think that on the walls of the train station there would be some sort of notable graffiti, but besides a few small markings, the art work in my neighborhood was very minimal. As important as the memorial is, it doesn’t speak out to me more than any other memorial like this would have, and I doesn’t speak to me as an artistic piece. It does represent my neighborhood, because it depicts the veterans that lived in my neighborhood years ago. It also represents my neighborhood due to the fact that this was closest thing to art in my neighborhood. I went to two train stations and under a train overpass, and there was no significant art or graffiti besides an illegible word spray painted very small on a wall. It was actually quite shocking to see the lack of art in my neighborhood, and at on point during my walk I just started looking at empty walls thinking “that could be a good spot for a mural why doesn’t anyone commission something?”

One thought on “Not a artsy neighborhood

  1. I guess you can learn something about a community identity by the “lack” of public art as much as by what people choose to depict. What do you think it says about a neighborhood that does not have much public art?

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