Chris LoPorto

I really like Chris because when listening to his songs as a lead singer he shows great emotion and definitely tells you what exactly he is singing to you about. For example, “Your Clothes” is about a heartbreak that Chris went through. I think music is a very interesting form of art because its a melody of words and the use of instruments to either show what the song is meant to be understood as or to just make your ears ring of happiness. The most interesting form of music, in my opinion, is music trying to express what their song is about with the lyrics. What Chris conveys when he sings “Your Clothes” is heartbreak but to an extent where it affected him so much he felt a bit hopeless. I know many people that have gone through plenty of heartbreaks and have felt hopeless because they think they have found their other half, but in the end, they are left defeated once they leave. Another thing I liked about Chris was his musical background and how he got to where he is. I remember him stating that he grew up listening to Blink-182 and The Cure which showed why he was very into music such as punk or pop-punk. I never listened to that genre of music but I can relate to him that I grew up vibing to 1980-1990 Rock and Metal music. In addition, Chris mentioned that songwriting is what strives him to being a motivated lead singer. He said to himself that he enjoys writing songs for his band and singing the lyrics he created to express what he needs to to his audience. Overall, I greatly enjoyed having Chris and hope he continues with his success.

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