Meeting the artist, Rich

I genuinely enjoyed the meeting with Rich. His personality was very honest and funny. He treated us like adults rather than children, which is something I respect. His conversations about making your own bomber and his most terrifying experience were sincere and funny. As well, I loved how he showed many visuals of his art work. Ranging from the record labels to the pictures of the crosses, Rich was thorough and being able to see his work, brought his stories alive. I also found his art work unique and cool. The records and crosses were the pieces of art that really attracted my attention. They were created in a distinct style that represents him, Revs, and the band. He also compared graffiti to Japanese and Chinese calligraphy. I’ve never heard of this perspective before, because I’ve been taught that graffiti is just vandalism. However, I’ve seen beautiful graffiti art (has anyone else seen the white truck that drives around Chinatown with the police officer from the Simpsons on it?), whether it be images or writing. In many ways, graffiti can be similar to East Asian calligraphy and can be just as beautiful. Overall, the experience with Rich was wonderful, and I would love to hear more of his stories.

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