Savanna’s Pandemic Playlist


Lost I started listening to Frank Ocean at the beginning of quarantine, and I instantly fell in love with his music. “Lost” instantly brings me back to the May/June part of the pandemic where I would alienate myself from my family and simply vibe in my room to some good music.

Laugh Now, Cry Later The song’s main lyric is, “sometimes we laugh sometimes we cry, but I guess you know now,” which perfectly describes the roller coaster of emotions that I felt during this pandemic.

Somewhere Only We Know For some reason, my friends and I would listen to this song and cry uncontrollably right around when we were supposed to graduate. It represents somewhat the “end of an era” and the time/memories we lost due to the pandemic.

I Want To Break Free Most, if not all, people experienced an urge to “break free” from quarantine and resume their pre-pandemic lives.

Where Is The Love? There has always been a tremendous amount of hate and division in the country. Still, this year truly put everything into perspective and put many issues under a microscope, whether that be political, racial, global, etc.

Empire State Of Mind This city has gone through a lot during the pandemic, but New Yorkers took to the streets and celebrated after the election. It was one of the first times in a while that New York really felt like “New York” again.

Mask Off The artist Future predicted the future! There’s no better feeling than finally being able to take off your mask once you get into your car or home.

This Is America This song is about race, gun violence, and what it means to be black in America; the BLM movement and the protests were a huge part of 2020.

American Idiot Even though this song was made in 2004, the message is still extremely relevant today. “American Idiot” is about the hysteria and propaganda that mass media produces. Hmmm, sounds familiar…

I Will Survive We will survive, hopefully! I think I can speak for most people when I say that this pandemic has felt like the end of the world (which it is not). The world will survive this pandemic, eventually.