Rich Visit

I thought that Rich was another really interesting visitor to the seminar. Personally, I thought it was the most fascinating visit so far. I genuinely had no idea that there was such a deep culture and mindset associated with street art. If I’m being honest, I never really understood the point of a lot of street art and graffiti. Most of it seemed pretty pointless to me. A lot of it seems to be just random words and images to me, with only some of them actually seeming interesting to me. Hearing Rich talk about this entire sub culture that exists within the street art community was fascinating to me for that reason. I learned so much about a community I didn’t know existed. I also found that the story telling aspect of Rich’s presentation was a really good idea. I thought that all of the stories Rich decided to talk about were really interesting stories. They were super fascinating stories to discuss, like the one about him in the subway, and he is a pretty good storyteller, so I was intrigued with what he was talking about from beginning to end, and I found this to be true for all of the stories he was telling. I also thought that his stories were an excellent way of conveying the street art culture he described, so telling the stories was a really good idea in my opinion. Overall, I think that Rich was one of the most interesting visitors we have had so far, primarily due to the fascinating topic he discussed and the way he chose to convey it.