Victoria’s Neighborhood Walk

This artwork speaks to me because I have developed a connection to it from a young age. This is because I saw this sculpture on a near-daily basis when I moved to Staten Island. I would always play in the sprinklers surrounding the sculpture. To me, the sculpture means unity and meeting new people. I have made so many of my current friends in the presence of this turtle sculpture. I remember that whenever I had a day off from school, I would always come here to spend time with my friends and family. It reminds me of the happy times that I spent here as a kid. In addition to this, this sculpture is in fact a representation of my community. It represents the close-knit feel of it because of the connections people form with others. The sculpture has brought many people together, as it introduced me to many of my childhood friends. I think that the purpose of this sculpture is to appeal to and attract younger kids. Oftentimes landmarks contain sculptures to not only make the environment look more appealing but to allow people to associate their memories with this form of art. I think that many others, not only me, created lifelong bonds with others because of this sculpture. Furthermore, after coming to the spot of this sculpture today, it made me look at it in a different way. I realized that it looks like the turtle is flying. This represents the freedom that I had as a child. This can be another purpose of the sculpture, to make children feel happy and free to do whatever they want in this space. Thus, this piece of art is something that is important to me and is a good representation of my community.