My Virtual Tour Experience @ The Frick

My virtual tour experience at The Frick was mixed. I felt as if I was watching a youtube video about the Museum, but also interacting with the screen with a 360 view gave it a neat touch as if I was actually there. However, I did not feel anything when I aimlessly went through each room. On the bright side, each and every room seemed as if it was different like it was many rooms assembled into a whole mansion. The different art pieces I saw were a small upper body portrait of King Louis XV, an Angel sculpture, and many portraits of people including Henry Clay Frick and James Cruikshank. The scenery at the Garden Court was nice, but I feel as if it would be 100x better if I was there in person. Overall, I am not a fan of virtual tours because I prefer to be in person at these art museums. On a positive note, the art looks real even if I was not there in person, as I am very fascinated with how art paintings are made. But, seeing it with my own 2 eyes would be helpful if I want to get a better understanding of what a painting truly is stating in a photo and how it was drawn.

Rating: 5/10