Our Visit With Jaedon Alvira

As a lover of music, I was excited to meet Jaedon Alvira. As a child, jazz music was very present. It is one of my dad’s most favorite genres, and whenever we took a road trip, jazz was essential to the soundtrack. Before we met Jaedon, I listened to some of his music, and I was in awe. Honestly, this was the first time listening to something for this class that I thoroughly enjoyed and would consider listening to again. His sound reminded me so much of the music I grew to love as a child, and I felt myself almost feeling nostalgic. The song Black Diamond sounded like a Prince track to me, and when I read the description of the video, I saw that one of Jaedon’s inspirations is Prince! It’s crazy that I can hear the influences of other artists in his music, and that’s what I loved so much. I also loved Jaedon’s clear passion for music. As he spoke, you could see him beaming with joy when he spoke about Duke Ellington, or playing with his band in Grand Army Plaza. That to me was amazing because when I think about future careers for myself, I want to be happy with what I choose to do, and I admire the fact that Jaedon was able to find something he loves and make a career out of it. Overall, Jaedon’s visit is up there in my top 5 visits, and his passion for music made me think about my personal passions and my future.