Stephen and Michael Blog

I really enjoyed meeting Stephen and Michael, and really enjoyed their dynamic not only in the call but as a director/scriptwriter duo.  It was very interesting to be exposed to their work before meeting them as well, because we got to have a glimpse into their more recent work, and thus have some familiarity with them. I also enjoyed their thoughts on the quality of plays and scripts compared to qualities of individual performances. I think it is important when they talked about being to be able to have an open mind before and after seeing a play, because even if you didn’t enjoy it on your first viewing, another performance could still do the play justice and actually make you enjoy it. I also thought it was cool that they had some contrasting views as well, such as what they thought was art and what was just an activity to cure boredom. However, despite having contrasting views they still are able to work together very well and be successful. I think sometimes two people don’t have to always agree, but rather balance each other out. Overall, I really enjoyed meeting the duo, and would be interested in seeing some of their future work post pandemic.