Archive for January, 2011

Waiting in the airport…

Our last day in Quito was very uneventful.  We had all day off, so I slept until 12.  Catching up on sleep was so necessary.  Once  I finally woke up, Elena, Evelyn and I were supposed to meet everyone else for ceviche.  But there was another one of the same stores much closer, so we […]


Lat night we went out and sat and had some hot chocolate.  We walked around a little, but we were warned so extensively about how dangerous it was that no one really wanted to stay out.  It was a little sketchy.  Besides, no one really felt 100%.  The changing altitude and the motion sickness from […]

The beginning of the end

So the past 5 hours have been relaxing.  I napped on the deck, played a little cards, bonded with my peers.  Same old.  It feels like everyone is trying to make the best out of the little time we have left together.  Like right now, jamming out to Thank You by Dido.  Dance like nobody’s […]

Isabela (said with a pretty spanish accent)

Alright, lets do this quickly.  I have a deck to sit on and a nap to take.  I woke up, and Justyna wrapped my leg.  It helped a lot.  We went to Isabela.  BEAUTIFUL.  Its so hard to remember everything that happens, we do so much, and it is all so amazing.  Isabela has about […]


So we woke up this morning at 7, and left at 8.  We went to, and I might be screwing the order of these islands up, Floreana.  We went to this place called Post Office Bay.  There is a barrel that people put post cards into, that are picked up by future tourists who leave […]

I need a synonym for “amazing”

This cruise is amazing.  We got back last night, and hung out on the deck for a little while.  By the time we got to bed, I was exhausted and went straight to sleep.  We woke up today at 7, had an amazing breakfast, and left at 8.  We went to this unbelievable beach.  The […]

Boarding Archipell II

We got to the boat today and it is unbelievable.  There is an entire upper deck with lounge chairs, and the bottom has a living room, a giant dining room, and cabins.  I’m rooming with Kristina. Our tour guides name is Javier.  So after having to say goodbye to San Cristobal, we found out that […]

Saying Goodbye to San Cristobal

For the past few days we have been living on a cruise ship without internet, so I am posting everything now.  I don’t know the dates of things though, so I have to be creative. So this morning, we took our final exam. Everyone was panicking. I think we all got A’s. I went to […]

Saturday, January 15

Today was the most relaxing day.  I didn’t wake up until 10, then I got coffee.  I sat outside for about an hour, then hung out with Elena.  We did some souveneer shopping, got ice cream, pilsener and hung out on the beach. Sarah came too.  There were the guys on the beach, one of […]

Friday, January 14

So lets start with the bad news. Catherine is going home. She isn’t going on the boat cruise. Which is understandable, but really unfortunate. She can’t participate in any of the activities, really. This morning I was not a happy camper. I only got about 3 hours of sleep. Either way, I woke up, went […]

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