Monday, January 10

So I’m not sure what happened to this post, but I thought I’d quickly re-write it.  So during the day, Danny took us to his secret spot on the cliff.  We took like a 5 minute cab, and walked like  45 minutes. We saw so many giant iguanas on the way. When we finally got to the cliff it was amazing.  We just watched these huge waves crash on the rocks. It was like something from a dream.  We stayed there a while, and reluctantly left.  We bought danny lunch. and went back to class.  After class, we went kayaking.  We had a race for who could get the singles.  It was really, really nice.  It was right at sunset so we were able to enjoy the change, even thought it was too cloudy to see the sunset.  After dinner, Justyna, Evelyn and I sat with Danny on the boardwalk and talked.  After, I went to his roof.  It was so nice to get a different perspective of the Galapagos.  We talked about life and conservation.  The different perspectives are very interesting.  He walked me home, and I went to bed.  My memory won’t recall everything of the day, but each day seems better than the last.  =)

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