Friday, January 14

So lets start with the bad news. Catherine is going home. She isn’t going on the boat cruise. Which is understandable, but really unfortunate. She can’t participate in any of the activities, really. This morning I was not a happy camper. I only got about 3 hours of sleep. Either way, I woke up, went to class, stayed awake (!) and went back and napped. After lunch I napped more. I really didn’t feel well. After afternoon classes, I watched the sunset at playa man. Its always crowded at that time, so it was really cool to people watch, also. I was there for about an hour, but I could have stayed for hours. We had dinner, and eventually went out. We went to Iguana Rock, then the Island. It was so much fun. Every danced like crazy. Until we heard a bottle break and a fight broke out. It was definitely an experience. One of Danny’s (our tour guide’s) friends had a bottle broken over his head- but he was fine. Laughing it off… covered in blood. Apparently that happens all the time. It’s a very male-dominated egotistical world. I didn’t feel threatened though. It was just some men angry with each other over… something. Anyway, we walked back after, talked outside with Danny for a little, then went to sleep. It was a long day. But we get to sleep in tomorrow!

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