Thursday, January 13

Shaziya stayed at GAIAS with Catherine lat night, so I had the room to myself.  Clearly, I can’t handle it because I got to school an hour early.  It was nice though, I sat on the beach.  Breakfast, class, the usual.  Kristina, Josh, Justyna, and myself went to the cove to go swimming after class, It was FREEZING, but amazing once we got in.  So refreshing.  There were so many crabs.  At once point, Josh and I were sitting on a rock and a sea lion literally swam a foot in front in our faces.  Apparently he was waiting for his turn on the rock because as soon as we left, he took over.  We had lunch with Romero, Johnathan, and Andres.  We told them we would pay because they gave us surfing lessons.  Then we went to Playa Mar with Romero for a little, and had class.  Power was out though, and Carlos taught us on the beach.  We stayed until power came back, and we went back inside.

I don’t know where to begin with the night.  After dinner, which everyone got a long really well for, a bunch of us went for salsa lessons.  It was not easy.  Any my partner was in a group from Lafayette.  Long story short, he didn’t take it very seriously.  The GAIAS representative, Sarah, was there.  Apparently her boyfriend is the instructor.  They were really good.  I played a few games of pool (I won! But I still ended up getting kicked off… I think its cuz I’m not a local… or a man).  Afterwards, we went back to the hotel and all of us sat in the hotel and talked.  It started pouring though- and I got antsy.  I wanted to go outside.  So Kristina and I went outside.  There was a bike outside Romero’s house so I took it and rode it around.  When we got back, he and his friend were panicking looking for it.  Oops!  After the bike fiasco was over, we all walked to the pier.  Have I mentioned it was raining?  After about 30 minutes of debating, count off, the works, we decided to jump in.  There were swarms of fish.  It felt so rebellious and crazy, but awesome.  We all showered, and then played this game where you have to draw the sections of art on the paper, and it has to correlate with the person’s before.  There were some really cool things.  They drew a lot of animals and fish and things I noticed.  Relaxing musing was playing, and it was just amazing.

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