Saturday, January 15

Today was the most relaxing day.  I didn’t wake up until 10, then I got coffee.  I sat outside for about an hour, then hung out with Elena.  We did some souveneer shopping, got ice cream, pilsener and hung out on the beach. Sarah came too.  There were the guys on the beach, one of them worked at Iguana, and the other was in a silly looking brown speedo.  Basically, Elena got drunkenly proposed to.  It was quite a scene.  He “played a song for her” and everything.  It was really funny.  We also saw a sea slug.  It was so weird.  We thought it was a conch, and when we touched it, we realized it wasn’t.  There was a crowd of about 10 people around us trying to figure out what it was.  Granted, we didn’t speak the same language, but it was still really interesting. Eventually, one of the guides, or something (I’m not sure what he was, apparently a diver?) told us what it was.  It was so cool.  It looked like a heart.  He used the sand to scoop it up and but it back in the water, because apparently they don’t do well away from the rocks.  He and his friend chatted with us for a little while, and we went back.  Dinner didn’t have many people, because lots of people went out for sushi.  But the few of us that were there had a lot of fun.  We went back, stopped at “Bromeros” cuz he was keeping something in the fridge for me, then went back.  At night, we met up with a few people, and all went to Iguana… A little bit of drama went around about the locals talking to the tourists about each other.  But after that, the night was good.  We went to The Island, danced a lot, then went back to the hotel.  There was some crazy guy claiming to be the president or something. It was really funny.  We went to Romero’s for a nightcap, and bedtime.  Didn’t get back until super late, but final tomorrow!  (If it hasn’t seemed like it so far, I am actually taking classes here).

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