
Lat night we went out and sat and had some hot chocolate.  We walked around a little, but we were warned so extensively about how dangerous it was that no one really wanted to stay out.  It was a little sketchy.  Besides, no one really felt 100%.  The changing altitude and the motion sickness from living on a boat for 4 days was getting to everyone.  So we came back, and went to bed.  Today, we had nothing planned.  Some people went to the museum of water, while some of us stayed back and caught up on our sleep.  Later, we are getting ceviche (or whoever eats ceviche), and going back to the Artisian Market to get some last minute gifts.  We are also going to supermaxi.  It wouldn’t be our last day in Quito if we didn’t go to Supermaxi.  Anyway, I’m over it here.  I don’t like being more nervous walking the streets than I am in New York.  I know there is so much to do, but I miss MY city.  I could also settle for going back to San Cristobal =)

Tonight we have our goodbye dinner!

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