Waiting in the airport…

Our last day in Quito was very uneventful.  We had all day off, so I slept until 12.  Catching up on sleep was so necessary.  Once  I finally woke up, Elena, Evelyn and I were supposed to meet everyone else for ceviche.  But there was another one of the same stores much closer, so we just went to that one.  I didn’t get ceviche, but the food was still really good.  After, we went back to the Artisan Market to get a few last minute gifts.  We also went to the Park Ejiro or something like that because on weekends they have a market.  It was fun.  When we first got to Quito, we were warned to excess about being safe about everything.  Basically, they told us to stay in to the hotel for the whole time.  But once we were in the city, we realized that as long as we stayed together and weren’t stupid about things, we would be fine.  No 8 year olds with rusty nails. The park was actually really nice, ut probably not too safe at night.  After that, we went to sit and have a cup of coffee.  Then we went back to supermaxi.  I bought some amazing jam.  We went back to the hotel and got ready for our goodbye dinner.  The goodbye dinner was nothing special.  The food was okay, and the company was okay.  We went back to the hotel, and after the typical 30 minute of debate, decided to go out to the square.  We got a drink and hung out.  I had a good time, but it’s hard to go out with such a big group unless you have a plan in mind.  It was a little stressful.  But still, it was fun.  We went back to the hotel, talked a little, and went to bed.  This morning was a scare because Sarah thought she lost her passport.  She found it.  Anyway, now we’re at the airport- the plane is delayed.  I’m ready to go home.  Next time I need to remember my ruby slippers.

I’ll write a last post when I’m in a better mood.

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