Archive for January, 2011

Thursday, January 13

Shaziya stayed at GAIAS with Catherine lat night, so I had the room to myself.  Clearly, I can’t handle it because I got to school an hour early.  It was nice though, I sat on the beach.  Breakfast, class, the usual.  Kristina, Josh, Justyna, and myself went to the cove to go swimming after class, […]

Wednesday, January 12

These dates are getting very messed up. \ I snorkeled with sharks today.  But unfortunately, the day wasn’t all good. We woke up early, got breakfast next door, and got on the boat called the “Galapagos Party”, and went to this shallow area to snorkel.  It was amazing.  I can’t even begin to describe it.  […]

Monday, January 10

So I’m not sure what happened to this post, but I thought I’d quickly re-write it.  So during the day, Danny took us to his secret spot on the cliff.  We took like a 5 minute cab, and walked like  45 minutes. We saw so many giant iguanas on the way. When we finally got […]

Tuesday, January 12

What an adventurous day.  So we each had our times to go birdwatching. Mine was right before breakfast… So I counted birds with Josh and Evelyn and Christina, then left for breakfast at GAIAS.  My plan was to stay there all day and write a paper, but unforeseen circumstances changed that.  During breakfast, a teacher […]

Sunday, January 10

The highlands were like nothing I have ever seen before. We woke up early, grabbed breakfast at the café next door (the waitress we had seen the night before at Iguana, not in the best of shape), then left.  Our tour guides name was Danny.  Carlos came, too.  Danny spoke English really well, and was […]

Saturday, January 9th

Okay, so John is all better.  We had afternoon classes, and tried to go kayaking, but there were too many of us.  Besides, I needed to shower, so I went back and relaxed.  Dinner was pretty standard, then I took a nap.  All the sun in the morning was exhausting.  It was hard to wake […]

Saturday, January 8

Saying today was a hectic day would be an understatement. We woke up at 6, ate breakfast, and got on a plane to Guayaquil. Then we took another flight to San Cristobal. When we got off the plan there, we were blown away. The sight was amazing. We were finally on the Galapagos Islands! The […]

Thursday, January 6

The past two days have been beyond words.  We went to the Maquipacuna Reserve.  I will try to relay the whole thing.  The car drive was about two and a half hours long.  Quito was amazing, but when we left, we began to see more.  Ecuador is a third world country.   However, our perspective was […]

Tuesday, Jan 4

Today was exhausting.  We woke up at around 7, ate breakfast, and were picked up at 7 20 to go to the equator.  Well, first we went to this lookout point that had an amazing view of the old city.  It was beautiful.  There were 3 stray dogs there that were following us around.  One […]

Monday, Jan 3

So it’s not as easy to keep up with this as I thought it would be.  Today, we woke up at around 6 30, for breakfast at 7.  We got picked up at about 8 45 (it was supposed to be 8, but we follow “Ecuadorian Time” as it’s called here).  We went straight to […]

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