Monday, Jan 3

So it’s not as easy to keep up with this as I thought it would be.  Today, we woke up at around 6 30, for breakfast at 7.  We got picked up at about 8 45 (it was supposed to be 8, but we follow “Ecuadorian Time” as it’s called here).  We went straight to the Universidad de San Francisco en Quito, or USFQ.  I can’t stress enough how unbelievable it was, even in the less than idea weather.  The campus is absolutely magnificent.  The architecture is very eclectic, to say the least, but that is what makes it amazing.  First, a woman named Gabriella spoke to us about the Galapagos, and USFQ.  She was the International Program manager, or something.  Then, someone else talked to us about our trip to the Maquipucuna Reserve.  Last, the director of the school basically scared us to death with a warning about safety in Ecuador, then gave us a tour of the school.  What shocked me the most is that students are required to take culinary classes.  There is a huge kitchen, and even a restaurant attached to the real world, as well as a bakery and chocolate shop.  It is mandatory that students not only prepare meals for this restaurant, but run the campus kitchens, as well.  Evelyn and I were talking though, and it’s unfortunate to think how few people can actually afford these luxuries.  We were fed an UNBELIEVABLE meal, then were sent to listen to a lecture by a professor named Diego, something.  He works with our teacher in the Galapagos.  Unfortunately, given the humid conditions and full belly, many of us fell asleep, even though the lecture was quite interesting.  It was about the history of Ecuador.  Next, we went to the Artisan Market to shop a little bit.  I got some pants to go hiking in, a sweater, and some gifts.  It was really nice to walk through- but I wish I could speak more Spanish.  Next, we went back to the hotel.  We went to the mall to get a few things, and came back for dinner.  After dinner, we all just hung out and played Kings, and Charades.  It was really nice.  Unfortunately, Elias was sick.  He has a throat infection, and had to go to the hospitable.  Thankfully, he came back today, but sat out of our evening activities.  We were given fair warning by the director that at some point, we are all going to get sick.  So at least Elias got that out of the way.  Bed Time… tomorrow, tour of the city! Have I mentioned that I love everyone here? Good people.

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