Tuesday, January 12

What an adventurous day.  So we each had our times to go birdwatching. Mine was right before breakfast… So I counted birds with Josh and Evelyn and Christina, then left for breakfast at GAIAS.  My plan was to stay there all day and write a paper, but unforeseen circumstances changed that.  During breakfast, a teacher who was teaching English 4 came up to us and asked us if we would have conversation with her class… we said no problem.  So we got to talking with a few of the students, and one said he was a surfer. I was so excited, and asked if he would take us. He said sure.  So at 10 00 we met to go surfing.  The guy who lives across the street, Romero also came, as well as another guy who was just learning and another one of their friends.  I went with Kristina and Megan.  Oh. My. God. It was so hard.  It was amazing, but so difficult.  Even balancing was something to get used to.  Eventually we started to get the hang of it though… we were still just body surfing.  It was still amazing, and hopefully they’ll take us again.  We agreed to buy them lunch when we got back from kicker rock!  After surfing, we went to class to share data about birdwatching.  We all went back, did a little more work, I napped for a little, then dinner.  It was a really good dinner actually, everyone seemed to get along really well.  After dinner, I worked a little more, then Kristina and I went on an adventure.  First, we ran into the guys that used to live in the hotel, and played a few games of pool with some locals.  When we left, we ran into Romero again, and hung out with him for a little while.  We chilled in his hammocks and talked about music and life.  Finally, we left to go back to the hotel.  It’s really nice to get to know locals.  I feel like they can tell us what about the Galapagos is amazing (not that what we see from our own perspective isn’t enough).  It was an amazing day, and I’m looking forward to Kicker Rock tomorrow.

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