Wednesday, January 12

These dates are getting very messed up.


I snorkeled with sharks today.  But unfortunately, the day wasn’t all good.

We woke up early, got breakfast next door, and got on the boat called the “Galapagos Party”, and went to this shallow area to snorkel.  It was amazing.  I can’t even begin to describe it.  The boat ride itself was just the most refreshing, happy feeling in the world.  And I never wanted to stop snorkeling.  We saw a giant sting ray!  Even the small fish were amazing.  I have never felt like such a part of nature underwater.  It was amazing.  Have I used the word amazing enough?  So we left, and went to Kicker Rock.  We snorkeled with hammerhead sharks! It was so cool!  The light from the sun streamed through the water, it was like something from a movie.  Words can’t do it justice.  So while we were getting back on the boat, Catherine was hurt by the propeller.  John and Justyna are EMTs, and were so great.  They wrapped her up, and we went straight back to shore.  She went straight to the hospital, and Evelyn, Shaziya and I followed in a cab.  The conditions of the hospital were awful.  The stretcher she was on hung out of the back of the “ambulance”.  The emergency room was covered in flies. Not the most welcoming scene when you are hurt.

Even so, she got the best attention anyone could ask for. She was surrounded with good people, and they got the best doctors around.  She looked like she felt safe.  We watched them do some of the stitching, and everything seemed very sterile and professional.  She had cuts on her leg, stomach, and foot.  Nothing is too serious though- mostly superficial stitches and a few internal ones.  It is a shame that this is going to hinder her trip though.  But she is taking it like a trooper.  Smiling through tears.  All of the ailments on this trip have been taken very, very well.  I am surrounded by a tough group of people.

We all went and grabbed a bit to eat, then went back to do work.  We went out to Iguana Rock.  We saw a few people we recognized, and met some new people as well.  It was fun, but Catherine is still on our minds.

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