
So we woke up this morning at 7, and left at 8.  We went to, and I might be screwing the order of these islands up, Floreana.  We went to this place called Post Office Bay.  There is a barrel that people put post cards into, that are picked up by future tourists who leave new post cards to be hand delivered.  I took one from Massapequa.  It’s a really nice idea- and forms a connection between the people who left a postcard, and the people who deliver it, and the people who receive it.  We wrote a card for the next years CUNY crew, and one to Catherine.  I hope they get to them!  After, we played soccer with the crew.  It was a lot of fun.  But, I did something funny to my knee.  It twisted and popped.  So I sat out for a minute, then went back in.  But alas, it happened again, and I decided that was enough of that.  Next we went snorkeling.  It was the most amazing time.  There were sharks, manta rays, beautiful starfish, and hundreds of fish.  Even the coral on the sides were beautiful.  It was amazing.  We got back on the boat, had lunch, and had a siesta.  I took another nap on the deck.  Then we went back out to Floreana and went to the beach.  The sand was amazing.  It was so thin.  I kept comparing it to cornstarch.  It was so nice.  There were no rocks.  We walked for a little, saw some like flat body of water with lots of salt deposits (apparently that’s where the flamingos hang out, but there weren’t any today}, then to the other side of the island.  There was this beach that was talking up as being the “green “ beach, but it was more olive brown than green.  There were little green crystals in the sand though, if you looked hard enough.  We all watched some hermit crabs scuttle around, then went to one more beach.  Words can’t even begin to describe it.  All beaches are beautiful, but this was beyond words.  The fine sand, the gently rolling waves, and the bright red crabs contrasting against the dark rocks barely start to explain how amazing it was.  We sat for a while, watch the sunset, and returned.  Oh, I forgot to mention.  At some point today, we saw penguins!  They were adorable.  Probably my favorite animal I’ve seen so far.  Watching them walk was so cute!  So we got back, watch a presentation, had dinner, watched two more presentation, and now I’m going to bed cuz my leg hurts.  I also have to save my energy for Santa Cruz tomorrow night!

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