Isabela (said with a pretty spanish accent)

Alright, lets do this quickly.  I have a deck to sit on and a nap to take.  I woke up, and Justyna wrapped my leg.  It helped a lot.  We went to Isabela.  BEAUTIFUL.  Its so hard to remember everything that happens, we do so much, and it is all so amazing.  Isabela has about 4000 people on it, much less modern than san christobal.  Dirt roads, and dingy houses.  Some houses were big, but those were the ones that illegal fishers owned.  So we drove for a little while, and got to this walking area.  First we went to a lookout point that was amazing.  We saw some beautiful flamingos on the way!  Its funny how everything seems dead and dry, but filled with life at the same time.  Our next spot was the wall of tears.  Apparently prisoners used to be forced to carry huge rocks and build a wall, just to waste time.  This was until 1959!  They would often die while doing this.  The huge wall of rocks remains.  They would try to escape, but had nowhere to go.  The island was uninhabitable.  Next we went to the tortoise breeding center.  Like the first one in the highlands, it was amazing.  In addition, they had a succession of embryos.  It was really interesting.  We drove past this amazing beach that was so shallow for yards and yards.  These beaches are all so unbelievable it is hard to keep track.  This one though, burned an image in my head.  It was something you couldn’t even dream of.  There were ghost hermits scuttling, and a giant marine iguana  Some guy tried to chase it, and Carlos yelled at him from the car.  Go Carlos!  Last we went to the lava fields.  There were these huge misshapen black rocks all over the place.  Iguanas were everywhere, and they were HUGE.  It was really amazing.  Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.  But it was hot, and we left.  Back on the boat.  Snacks were waiting for us =). Life is good.

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