Archive for My Trip

Sunday, January 2

So we took off last night at about 12:00 AM.   I met everyone at the airport- everyone was so excited, and I am so glad I traveled with them.  It was myself, Sarah, Elias G, Kristina, Jakov, Shoshana, Elena, John, and Josh.  So, here is where the less fun part comes in.  Our plane was an hour delayed.  Probably the most uncomfortable flight I have ever been on.  And, of course, we missed our layover.  So, we had to wait in Guayaquil for another 3 hours for the next flight.  Then, my and Josh’s luggage didn’t come. So we waited for the next flight to come in, and it was on it.  Unfortunately though, everyone had to wait around with us for another 2 hours.  FINALLY, we arrived at the hotel at about 3:30 in the afternoon. It has been a long day of traveling.  The hotel is absolutely beautiful.  The view is amazing, and the rooms are HUGE.  There is a private kitchen and everything.  I really couldn’t ask for more.  I am rooming with Sarah and Kristina.  Everyone on the trip is great, and I am excited for tomorrow when we get our orientation.  I napped while some other people went on a walk to the mall.  Then everyone got together for dinner.  Afterwards, we all came to our room and just talked for a while.  It was really really nice getting to know everyone.  After a rough traveling experience, I can’t wait until tomorrow.

Seeing the Sights

This is a blog I will be keeping of my study abroad trip to the Galapagos.  I leave in a week, and it is yet to hit me.  I am still unwinding from school.  Packing summer clothes during the winter was weird, but definitely got me excited.  Well, until Ecuador!

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