The Division Between the Natural and the Artifical

This photo represents how man-made structures have the power to dominate over nature not only on the High Line, but throughout New York City. The very prominent metal ramp divides the surrounding forestry into two. The bright, green leaves have no choice but to hug the ramp, while the ramp stands strong and proud. It is the focus of the photo; the first thing that attracts the eye when the picture is first looked at. The ramp, most likely made of steel and/or various other metals, expresses how the High Line’s modern, metal, and man-made structures were built around organic plants and trees. Along the High Line, you can see a man-made structure and an element of nature anywhere you turn. Nature and man-made constructions live in unison. This is not only exclusive to the High Line, but also New York City. Overwhelming skyscrapers and other man-made structures engulf NYC while nature has no choice but to share it’s original home with these powerful structures. The photo has a crispness to it; the color palette is clean and simple. The bright greens and yellows of nature coexist with the dull gray and silver tones of the ramp, balancing each other out. The modern sensation the ramp provides eludes to the modernity of the High Line, which is surrounded by unique buildings with eccentric, but simple, designs. The ramp in the photo serves a similar purpose to the High Line; it carries visitors to the next point on the High Line, just like the High Line carries visitors to different parts of NYC. The necessity of the ramp parallels to the necessity of other man-made structures such as roads and sidewalks, which serve to carry visitors throughout the city. Further, the photo displays a person towards the back of the ramp who appears to be looking towards the ramp. This person represents the millions of people that come to visit NYC daily, that are surrounded by both natural and artificial structures, but whose attention is only drawn to the immense and compelling man-made structures that NYC is home to. While these structures may belittle the surrounding nature, nature is still prevalent in the city, alive and well. 

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One Response to The Division Between the Natural and the Artifical

  1. lizavetaslinko says:

    I agree with your analysis of the dichotomy between the natural and urban landscape of the High Line, and the ways in which it parallels the space of New York City itself. I found the struggle of man vs. nature an interesting topic; one which I focused my own post on. However, I specifically like the point you made about the colors of the photo; observing that they too represent the difficult balance between the synthetic and the natural. It intrigues me that a photograph of a simple ramp can be so laden with symbolism. I like that the focus of the photograph is the physical High Line itself, not just a sculpture on the ramp or a view outside the ramp. It shows that even on its own, the ramp itself is an art piece.

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