From Land To Sky

Those unfamiliar with the city will probably not be aware of the Roosevelt Island Tram, a mode of transportation which really sets itself apart from the traditional ones in the city. While most transportation is restricted to land (whether on it or underground), the tram takes a different approach and aims skyward. Despite that, it fits right in place with the business of the city and the height of the buildings. It provides yet another way for New Yorkers (and tourists) to get to Roosevelt Island, whether for work or simply for a gorgeous view of the ocean underneath the Queensboro Bridge.

The entrance to the tram from 2nd Avenue is surrounded by a small park, a place filled with greenery and benches for people to relax as they wait for a car to board. I enjoyed resting on a bench, watching people walk by in a hurry while some stopped for a moment to sit down as well. The tram ride itself is a wonder of its own- it’s view of the ocean and bridges, not to mention the traffic of the city, is magnificent. The sun looked incredible glittering on the ocean, and the view of the tram from Roosevelt Island was beautiful as well. The ride was relaxing (although there wasn’t much space to sit down), and it really changes how one views Manhattan – from being a part of the bustling crowd of people to becoming a simple onlooker, contrasting the individual people down below to the enormous view of the buildings and ocean.

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2 Responses to From Land To Sky

  1. palchurilakshmi says:

    I really enjoyed your narration of being on the tram ride. As someone who has never been on it, I felt like I knew how it felt to be on it and what to expect if I did visit. I like how you also made sure to mention the ambiance of the entrance of the tram. I felt your picture encapsulated what you were saying in the first paragraph. You identified and alluded to the comparisons between the general and primary modes of transportation in New York such as buses or trains and isolated the tram as something so unique in New York yet it manages to blend in with its surrounding environment. Whether intentional or not, you also caught the tram in the vicinity of buildings so we can see exactly how well it fits into the New York setting.

  2. Joyce says:

    I really liked how you distinguished between the modes of transportation on the train underground versus the tram in the sky. As someone who has been on the tram a few times, I completely agree with your narration of being on the tram and how the ride is a whole new experience that gives another perspective of the city. It is certainly another look at Manhattan from above and the view across the bridge and water is breathtaking. I highly recommend visiting Roosevelt Island during the spring when its cherry blossoms are in bloom and all you see is a row of pink along the side by the river.

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