57 Drawings


(I want to write about the Cosmic Closet but I’m pretty sure almost everyone is going to write about that one, so I’ll choose 57 Drawings instead. Here’s a picture of the Cosmic Closet anyway though.)

As a venue for music and film, Club 57 is a place which supported the amalgamation of culture, art, performance, and movies. Identity was a big motif of the club, as is exemplified by the piece “57 Drawings”. The caricatures show many different people of different identities, as well as how they capture the nature of socializing among Club 57’s members. Each person’s poses and clothes offer clues to their own identity, personality, and duties hey performed at the club. It’s easy to see how different people in these pictures were invested in performance, video, photography, fashion, modelling, cruising, and drug dealing. Some people look like pirates and vampires, and others wear outlandish clothing as a representation of fashion. Some people are seen socializing, and others lament in their isolation. Some people are drawing pictures or writing, and others are watching movies (which can relate to the movies shown in the exhibit, which were some put on in Club 57 originally). These pieces fit in well into the exhibit because they show how so many different people with so many identities and interests can still have one common goal and support each other within the club. Personally, I really like how some of the pictures use negative space to create a feeling of isolation and “a bubble” of people in their own world, because that’s something that Club 57 was really all about.

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2 Responses to 57 Drawings

  1. palchurilakshmi says:

    I like that you choose to focus on another exhibit beside the Cosmic Closet. I also noticed what you mentioned about despite the theoretical lack of similarities between identities they all have one goal. Also, I agree with your observation that the artist used negative space to evoke a feeling of intimacy within the club and the people in it. It was intriguing that the artist chooses to include fictional characteristics to some of the caricatures. The flamboyance of some of their attire also interested me. The combination of all of these identities seems unlikely, but Club 57 created a secluded place which fostered that.

  2. marinov98 says:

    This blog post is contains very similar interpretations to mine despite mine being a completely different image. I do agree that those pictures showcase the social aspect of clubs. I am also glad that you touched on drug dealing. It is something quite shady, but it is always lurking around clubs and I also mentioned it in my blog post. Finally, I am impressed that you talked about the “negative” space creating a feeling of isolation. Looking at this as a “bubble” is actually a very accurate interpretation. These people could be going to the club to get away from personal issues, just have fun, or even because of peer pressure. Whatever the story is, the club is an ambiguous place…

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