Blog Post 2 (300 words, due Tues. Sept 26th @ noon): German choreographer Pina Bausch’s works are often defined by her different approaches to experimental dance that changed over her career. According to the article by David Jays, “Her earliest works were the most conventionally choreographic, with a development and denouement, and movement as the principal medium. The most powerful of these is The Rite of Spring (1975) set to Stravinsky: its emotional force still leaves audiences reeling. From Bluebeard (1977) onwards [Cafe Muller was first staged in 1985] onwards, Bausch abandoned development and progression: all her subsequent pieces are loose, unpredictable montages of scenes, strung together by free association.” Compare/contrast the two Bausch pieces you saw at BAM last week. How did they differ in form and content? What were your different reactions to them? How did they challenge you as an audience member? 

Blog Response (100 words, due Wed. Sept 27th before class): Please be sure to leave a reply message responding to a classmates post before class. 

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